Barely a boat's width wide it starts off winding through the valley towards the canyon's constriction. We knew it was steep in there because you are quite a bit higher than the Eagle river and you can practically see the Eagle river take-out and the put-in from the same vantage point. Quickly the tempo picks up and we saw the first horizon line, I had no idea what we were in for so I hoped out and scouted and yelled up to Tan man that it's all good.
The next drop was weird looking and I thought I would be slammed into the wall. That said, I should have realized the water really wasn't powerful enough to do much. Tanner showed me how and I followed along.
A couple of more minor obstacles and we were at the crux. A fun quadruple drops that really made the run worth it.
A couple of more and we were out on the Eagle.
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